Our CC&Rs (3.13. Rules) and our Bylaws in 8.5.Rules) allow the Board to “establish rules consistent with the Declaration, governing the use of Common Areas and the conduct of the Members and their guests, tenants, or others on the premises.“ CC&Rs 4.3(a): Enforcement of Dues, allows the adoption of a collection policy for dues payments. Civil Code 4360 requires a notice of the proposed rule, explaining their purpose and effect, to the members 28 days before any vote to adopt it. Members can give feedback to the Business Office at lvha@lvha.net, and their comments will be forwarded to the Board. Three new proposed policies were announced at the March 15, 2023 Board meeting, and are posted on lvha.org and at the Clubhouse. They will also be published in the April Vibration. The proposed policies will be reviewed at the April Board meeting and can be adopted by a majority +1 of Directors.
Committee Guidelines:
Purpose is to allow members to know the accepted purpose and functioning of committees and will allow members not to expend energy on committee actions that are outside the bounds of the CC&Rs. (see Committees tab, Committee Guidelines)
Courts Guidelines:
Purpose is to inform members of accepted guidelines for use of the courts, that will allow members inclusive and congenial use of the Common Area courts. (see Amenities tab, Court Info)
Delinquent Accounts lose access to common area components:
Purpose is to encourage timely payment of Association dues. Members who are delinquent with dues payments will have their Latch Key and Clubhouse rental privileges suspended until their account is brought up to date. (see LVHA Info tab, Homeowner Dues, Billing Policy)